Podcast 33: The Podcast is Back and Three Updates for 2018

We’re back! In this episode, Drew talks about where he has been the past 7 months, and 3 things listeners can expect from upcoming episodes of the podcast.

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EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE: Prefer to read rather than listen? Click here to download the text transcribe from this episode.


  • A little look at where I’ve been the past 7 months
  • The podcast is back (obviously)
  • Over the next few sessions, I’ll be talking about buying more assets
  • I’ll share some lessons I’m learning with my other company, Growth Engines, Inc.
  • I’m developing a course on e-mail marketing

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Prefer to read rather than listen to the podcast episode? No problem, you can request the text transcribe and I will send it to you as a PDF.

→ Read the Transcript